Annual General Assembly 2021

Thursday, November 11th, from 6 pm to 8 pm
Online on Zoom | Register at this link
Open to the public, everyone is welcome.

The general assembly of Ada X is an ideal moment to take part in the life of the centre, to discover upcoming initiatives, to become a member or to renew your membership status!


1. Opening of the assembly
2. Nomination of the president and secretary of the assembly
3. Reading and adoption of the proposed agenda
4. Reading and adoption of the minutes from the 2020 General Assembly
5. Presentation and adoption of financial statements as of March 31, 2021
6. Appointment of the Auditor for 2021-2022
7. 2020-2021 Annual Report from the Administrative and Financial Coordinator
8. Activities Report 2020-2021
9. Presentation of 2021-2022 activities
10. Renewal of the current members of the Board
11. Varia
– Thanks to ellen belshaw
12. Adjournment of the assembly