Art’s Birthday 2006



On Art’s Birthday, Studio XX Goes Out!

In collaboration with La Centrale, terminus1525, OBORO, Upgrade Montréal and articule / Diffusion Système Minuit, on January 17th 2006, starting 5pm, Studio XX will embark you in a poetic winter walk outdoors – a definite party circuit for Art’s Birthday!

Please arrive at Studio XX between 4pm and 5pm with your mobile audio player (with its wire) in order to download the audio piece “Paysages politique” (or do it from your home before going to Studio XX).

Download it here as of 17/01 at 4pm:
*BALLADODIFFUSION*: subscribe by using your podcasting software (like JUICE, open source software, with the following RSS feed
(available as of 17/01 at 4pm): *


17 January 2006: Party Circuit _ Art’s Birthday

In collaboration with various artists centres and organizations, Studio XX goes out!

17.00 Studio XX []
338 Terrasse St-Denis
“Paysages politique”
intervention for mobile audiophonic media (with Danny Perreault and Pascale Malaterre)
* bring: I-pod / mobile audio mp3 player / cd player / headphones

17.45 articule
4001 Berri, suite 105
Action around «Workshop with Yoyo Yogasmana»
co-presentation articule and Diffusion Système Minuit du Québec
4001 Berri, suite 301
“Machines for Social Circumstances” (de Nicholas Stedman)
* bring: your mug / thermos
… hot cocoa & tea served on site (and to go!)

19.00 Lafontaine Park (théâtre de Verdure)
“L’abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze”
Deleuze interview by Claire Parnet, guerilla screening (Jimmy Lakatos in collaboration with
Pascale Malaterre)
* surprises at the end…

20.00 La Centrale
4296 St-Laurent
Art’s Birthday Party!
MAIL@RT, games, yummy food, books, dance?, with Studio XX, La Centrale, terminus1525
[], Upgrade Montréal [] + other surprises…

Since the proclamation of Fluxus artist Robert Filliou in 1963, January 17th happens to be Art’s Birthday. Art was thus born 1,000,000 years ago and artists and artist groups everywhere around the globe celebrate this important anniversary by organizing international events and network art happenings, and by eating cake and offering gifts to Art. Every year, Art’s Birthday becomes an occasion for exchange between artists and art events. The Eternal Network grows this way by exploring the telecommunications arts.

The party circuit begins at 5pm. All should meet at Studio XX [] (338 Terrasse St-Denis) when artists Pascale Malaterre and Danny Perreault will lead you into a sound-walk entitled «Paysages politique», an intervention for portable audiophonic media. So bring your i-pods, potable audio mp3 players, CD players and headphones.

Punctuated by winter sounds, the walk will first stop at 4001 Berri street where artist centres articule [] (suite 105) and OBORO [] (suite 301) will welcome you with their own program respectively. While climbing the stairs, you will give a little visit to articule, which co-presents with Diffusion Système Minuit du Québec, an action around workshop with performance artist Yoyo Yogasmana. Also, do not forget to carry your own mug and thermos since OBORO will be serving hot cocoa and tea while you admire the installation «Machines for Social Circumstances» by new media artist Nicholas Stedman.

Armed with warm drinks, you will then be driven by Pascale Malaterre to Théâtre de Verdure in Lafontaine Park for a short guerilla screening of «L’abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze» (Deleuze interview by Claire Parnet), an initiative of Jimmy Lakatos in collaboration with Pascale Malaterre. One must stay until the end as the public with be then equipped with the essential element for the rest: the party hat (hand-made especially for the occasion). A collective crossing of Rachel street with your cheerleader Jake Moore, the party circuit will act as a prelude to the culmination of this grand tour (wink, wink at the ones who have camera-phones)…

La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse [] (4296 St-Laurent) will be waiting for you with projections of the walk, as well as a common MAIL@RT project in collaboration with Studio XX, la Centrale, terminus1525 [] and Upgrade Montréal []. Birthday e-cards for Art, games, books, music and plenty of yummy food will make up the Art’s Birthday Party where all will celebrate together that which has entered our lives so many years ago…

Deadline: January 15th 2006

For Art’s Birthday, Studio XX invites its members to contribute to the celebrations through a special “mail art” project… The Studio is asking members to create birthday “e-cards” addressed to Art! The e-cards will be made accessible or projected at the actual birthday party – culmination of the Studio’s carnival-like expedition. Just south of Sherbrooke off St. Denis the evening of Tuesday January 17th.

Via this “mail @rt” intervention, the Studio wants to underline the Eternal Network as an exchange-event oriented towards telecommunication arts as well as a playful network happening with subversive underpinnings. Studio XX thus invites members to freely re-interpret traditional e-cards! From the simple jpeg to the minimalist animation, we will accept your submissions until January 15th 2006 (so nothing too complicated!) at the following email address.

Art is looking very forward in getting your birthday wishes:

514 845 7934

338 Terrasse Saint-Denis, Montréal (Québec) H2X 1E8
Just south of Sherbrooke off St. Denis
Métro Sherbrooke, ou autobus 24 (Sherbrooke) ou 125 (Ontario).
(514) 845-7934 /