Book club: Kindred by Octavia Butler
with Anastasia Erickson
Thursday October 8 and 15, 2020
7pm – 9pm
In English
In dialogue with the exhibition A Harlem Nocturne by Deanna Bowen, Anastasia Erickson’s book club invites readers to discuss Octavia Butler’s 1979 novel Kindred. The group will engage with Black exploration of, and intervention in, ancestral histories, as well as the shared impulse in the exhibition and novel to investigate heritages through reformatted shapes of time. The discussion will open up questions around intergenerational healing, advocacy, recuperation, and legacies found both in the novel and in Bowen’s work.
The event is open to anyone interested in exploring these topics, however Black and Indigenous participants will be prioritized. Please self-identify when you register.
Participants should read the first half of the book in preparation for the October 8th meeting, and the second half before the 15th. They are also invited to visit the exhibition (sign up here). More information will be sent to registrants.
The event is free and will take place online via Zoom.
To register, contact mediation@studioxx.org with the subject line “Book Club”.