Friday, December 1st, 2017
starting at 7pm
@ 4001 Berri (Studio XX + OBORO + GIV + Studio Eric Paré – Xangle)
Free entrance!
BYOB (“bring your own beamer” / “apportez votre projecteur”) is an exhibition concept launched in Berlin in the 2000s by Rafael Rozendaal and has been presented in countries around the world. The idea is simple: find a location, invite a bunch of artists, ask them to bring a projector and show their video work. It’s a concept that explores site-specific video projection in a free and collaborative way. (http://www.byobworldwide.com)
The 4001 Berri invites you to its first BYOB evening, organized in collaboration with Studio XX, Oboro, GIV and Studio Éric Paré – Xangle! Bring your own projector and take over the space of 4001 Berri with your works in video, animation, 3D render and GIFs! We will also have projectors available.
- Projected works should be no longer than 10 min.
- No content that is sexually explicit, violent, racist or discriminatory will be tolerated.
- Your video will be projected without sound.
- Projectors will be available to the public but we encourage you to bring your own.
- Bring a laptop (or a USB key with your files) and the material that you need (HDMI or VGA cables and adapters).
- Participants are responsible for the loss or damage to their own equipment.
- If you have specific technical needs, please contact info@studioxx.org
ACCESSIBILITY INFO: at the moment, the 4001 Berri is not accessible to people with reduced mobility.