Jing’s Poetic Cartography | Yutong Lin


Yutong Lin, Artist in Residence, Ada X

Residency from April 16 2024  until June 4th 2024
At Ada X

The multimedia video project Jing’s Poetic Cartography is about the making of diasporic food—Steamed Pork. It is a dish that my aunt Jing is famous for. To make this project, an immersive media environment will try to account for non-representational or non-documentable fragments of travel and home.

Many food gatherings and seemingly trivial conversations with my family and friends inspire this project. In Asia’s food-sharing culture, food embodies some unspeakable emotional weight. While diasporic food bears immense traces of migration, logistics, and translations; it also contains the creativity of the diasporic community to utilize what is available under different climates and circumstances. To celebrate this creativity and spread the joy of family recipes, this project tries to document these moments and stories and make a place for those fond of cooking!

The artist thanks Wenhui Zhang for photographing the process of documenting the cookbook.