The HTMlles Festival 2014
Christina Goestl (Vienna)
Rats 9 (372, Sainte-Catherine W (530). Metro: Place-des-Arts)
Free entrance
November 6–14, Wednesday–Saturday, 1–6 PM
Opening: Thursday, November 6, 7 PM
Suppose something has almost no past–denied by history, neglected by science, disregarded by society–and very little present. Could we possibly rescue this “something” from oblivion by laying out a model, proposing zero as the point of departure? Clitonics is a visually constructed, prototypical-designed model of a clitoris dedicated to gender-modified, transsexual and gender-modifying persons. Clitonics’ data model represents an associative image, a modifiable virtual image, a projectile capable of being fed back to polymorphous dreams.
See also: Queer(ing) Cyberfeminism (roundtable discussion), November 12, 5–7 PM, at Studio XX.
Programming partners :