Ctrl+Shift: Data Sovereignty & Community Action

Wednesday, April 6 2022
12—1pm (EST)
Online via Zoom
Free | Registration via this link
How might artists and organizers build a relationship of care with digital data? The practice of care requires the continual acts of listening, inquiring, contemplating, and consent-building. And yet tech monopolies such as Google, Zoom, Instagram, and TikTok often practice questionable data policies and run profit-driven algorithms that work directly against the possibility of genuine care.
This panel, curated and moderated by Xin Xin, invites cultural workers Neema Githere, Ever Bussey, and Dorothy R. Santos to share ways to collect, maintain, and activate data with and for the communities they’re embedded in. The panel will be followed by a Q&A session.
The event is co-presented by InterAccess and Ada X as part of Ctrl+Shift and Tech Tech Tech respectively. Organized by InterAccess, Ctrl+Shift is a strategy session series that invites influential artists, technologists, scholars, and community leaders to propose solutions to challenges that affect the creative community. Initiated by Ada X, Tech Tech Tech aims to explore more ethical, DIY, and feminist alternatives to the tech giants.
Are you curious about transforming your relationship to digital tools and spaces? Don’t miss our online workshop Talking Tech + Tarot on Saturday April 9th from 12—1:30pm.
Click here to read more about the speakers.