Sunday May 28 from 10AM to 5PM
L’Éloi, 6250 Hutchison
More info : chromatic.ca | info@chromatic.ca
Over 5 years old
Travel back in time by soaking your drawing into the canvas. No, you’re not dreaming, with the help of a 3D printer, you won’t actually create an object, but rather, a 2D impression.
Chromatic Kids entices families into a world of wonder in the heart of the Chromatic Festival. An opportunity for kids ages 3-12 and their families to share an incredible journey, and celebrate creativity. Our young festival-goers can let their imagination run wild by participating in over 15 enjoyable activities, including creative workshops supervised by passionate professionals and volunteers.
Within a festive and friendly atmosphere, the blooming artists will experiment, learn, play, think and dream.
This workshop is produced by the Studio XX in collaboration with The Fab Lab du PEC,as part the Media arts for families serie supported by the city’s cultural action program, in partnership with the ministry of Culture and Communications and the City of Montreal.