Digital Ludology: Artistic Exploration of Creativity in Video Games with Blender 3D’s Open Source Game Play Generator

1 spot only left!!!
This workshop offers participants the opportunity to broaden the expressive content of their projects by incorporating game play structures into their work. By developing the interactive components of their digital art, artists will explore the most specialized tools from the world of video gaming.
The workshop is ideally suited for artists who have some practical experience in media arts (web, video, audio and installation) wishing to develop interactive components and expressive content for their work through interactivity.
Topical presentations by professionals from the industry will be scheduled to coincide on appropriate dates during the course. Presentations will also address Blender 3D, interactive scriptwriting and theoretical issues.
* Format: Artists will acquire a solid foundation in: animation, 3D character modelling, texture environments and an initiation to the “Open Source” play generator of Blender 3D.
* Prerequisite: Basic computer knowledge and the desire to have fun. A Studio XX membership.
* Dates:
Autumn: Introduction on Saturday November 1st from 9am till 12 noon.
Marc Roberge, who teaches interactive scriptwriting at INIS will present a class on Saturday 6th of December 2008 from 1pm till 4pm.
Winter: Classes will start again on Saturdays from the 10th of January 2009 until mid May 2009.
Heather Kelley, Cindy Poremba, and other experts will present their approaches and methodologies during the winter. Dates are to be announced.
* Total cost: 380$* for 78h of classes and free access to the Studio’s Lab.
* 10% of the real value of the workshop
Participants to Studio XX’s workshops must be members of Studio XX.
A selection of the works created in the context of these workshops will be presented over the course of the upcoming year during Salons Femmes br@nchées and/or the international Biennale HTMlles at Studio XX.
For information: 514.845.0289 or via email : ateliers at studioxx dot org
Men are welcome on a space available basis.