.dpi 22: Free Culture

With: Anne Goldenberg, Nancy Mauro-Flude, Britt Wray, Aymeric Mansoux, Dragana Zarevska + Yasna Dimitrovska, Sarah Boothroyd, Pascale Gustin
Anne Goldenberg | Editorial
Against recurrent and rhetorical assaults from the “creative” industries and governments that claim loud and clear that copyrights and intellectual property are the saving grace of culture, some creators diffuse their work and reuse, reinvent and revolt themself and play. They claim free culture as both movement and public discourse – a discourse that is multilingual.
Nancy Mauro-Flude | Circe’s New Equipment and sister0’s P A R A P H E R N A L I A
This text will explore the performance practice of Nancy Mauro-Fludes, her evocative engagement with digital materiality, radically & free sprits. How she patches and weaves between tools, paraphernalia and unrelenting cultural concerns to create work which both embodies, and critically resists the dynamics of authoritarian structures.
Britt Wray | Art, design and democracy in open-source synthetic biology
In this article I will detail the current landscape of art, design and synthetic biology, outlining the differences between varying approaches that a few particular thought-provoking artists and designers are employing in their work, as well as highlight how the possible outcomes of their work at this time are challenged by biological reality, scientific knowledge, interdisciplinary culture and the increasingly complex future of what it means to constitute life in open versus closed ways of doing science.
Aymeric Mansoux | Art as free culture
In a society where information, code and law are forming an increasingly powerful trinity, ideas such as the commons, freedom and openness have developed strongly as part of the free culture movement to provide an alternative to the increasing locking down and control of culture. As a result, we are witnessing today a growing artistic response to this issue in the form of works that provide support to this alternative.
Dragana Zarevska + Yasna Dimitrovska | Freedom praxis: The Lele Method and other stories
Lele, as the most used Macedonian word, can be considered a ready-made free-culture phenomenon, not something we do and share with the others, but something others do and we just expropriate it as an art-piece. This means we already take something which we do not need to CC licence or any way of copylefting, but rather the other way round – it is free (it’s the Language) and is already for everyone, and everyone’s use. The performance itself is an experiment with how far one can get with shifting perspectives in and about free culture.
Sarah Boothroyd | Power and Freedom
A round-the-world tour of protests in Canada, England, France, Spain, Ukraine, the United States, and beyond. This radiophonic work was inspired by contemporary composer Luigi Nono’s use of fragmented and layered political texts, as well as his method of treating ‘real world’ artifacts as potential music.
Pascale Gustin | Combat de Carnaval et Carême
Building on a handful of questions around free culture, and rather than attempting to explicitly answer them, I explore a form of fragmented writing – both through involved media and its form.