Saturday February 6th, 2016 from 2PM to 4PM
FREE * (registration required)
Considering concrete examples of the exhibition at the Emile Berliner Musée des Ondes, this guided tour will teach children and adults how we mastered the propagation of acoustic waves in the early twentieth century, and how such knowledge changed our lives and the outcome of the war.
The Emile Berliner Musée des Ondes is an unusual and enchanting place. A heritage site of Montréal’s history, the museum is discreetly located in the premises of the old RCA, in the Saint-Henri neighborhood. It regularly holds thematic exhibitions from its vast collection of over 30,000 objects.
The exhibition “Montreal Radio in Wartime” presents how military and domestic radios, turntables, synthesizers, lights, microphones, TV, and recorders from the 1930s heralded our current digital devices.
Image: detail of the interior of the television show: triode cathode tubes and lamps. Collection of the Emile Berliner Musée des Ondes. Photo: Lorella Abenavoli
Electronics arts for families
Inspired by the “Coding goûters,” the Electronic Arts for families project brings together children and their parents to have fun to program and design artworks in electronic arts with artists. The activity is free (you have to registrate), in exchange for a contribution to a shared snack! All projects will be presented at Studio XX in March 2016.
This project receives financial support from the Ministry of Culture and Communications and the City of Montreal as part of the Agreement on the cultural development of Montreal .