FEEDBACK PLEASE! | Portfolio Review

Saturday, April 21, 2018
From 2 pm to 5 pm
At Studio XX
Free | Registration needed | For Studio XX’s members only
Registration before April 12th
For a second consecutive year, Studio XX offers local artists an opportunity for valuable feedback on their portfolios and to discuss their artistic goals with local and international curators: Dominique Fontaine (aPOSteRIORi, Canada), Julie Alary Lavallée (Studio XX) and Michelle Bowen (UK Young Artists, UK). Each artist will be invited to present their work for a set amount of time after which they will receive comments on their own projects, and will also have the opportunity to offer feedback to the other artists presenting.
For Studio XX members only.
Not a member yet? You can sign up here!
Please send the following information to communications[a] by April 12, 2018 :
– A letter of intent clearly explaining why you are interested in participating in this event. Include a short description of issues and questions you have about a specific project, or within your artistic practice in general. (250 words)
– An artist’s statement (150 words)
– A CV (3 pages max)
– A link to your website or a PDF file including documentation of recent or in progress works (images, video links, sound links, etc.)
Selected participants will be contacted on April 15, 2018.
This event is not open to the public and is reserved to the members who will have been selected.