Femmes br@nchées #64 :: Revisiting the voyage of the Htmlles in eastern Europe, EXPORT2

“The HTMlles EXPORT 2” artists mobility project included the travel of five Canadian artists (Chantal Dumas, Caroline Martel, Joanna Berzowska, Jennifer Willet, Michelle Teran), two web art works (by Emily Hermant and Andreja Kuluncic), and one Canadian curator (Kyd Campbell) and seven projects to the cities of Belgrade, Sofia and Istanbul between the dates of October 19th and 31st, 2006.
Biannually, StudioXX produces a touring project which allows for artists who have participated with their works in the most recent edition of the HTMlles Festival for Media Art + Networked Practices in Montreal to travel with their projects.
During this evening presentation the artists from the tour will talk about their experiences, their new contacts and the cultural contexts they had the chance to work in, in Serbia, Bulgaria and Turkey. Video, photos and stories and wine will be shared.
Entry fee* : $5 for non-members // free for members
*includes 1 beer + 1 catalog
Please feel welcome to create your own account and contribute online to the dialog.
Project website: www.htmlles.net/export2
Info: info@htmlles.net