[HTMlles 2024] A Narrow Living Room, Feminist Media Studio

A Narrowing Living Room
Necessary Feminisms
Feminist Media Studio

Public Art
20:30 – 21:30


In 1982, Black feminist poet June Jordan wrote about the need for “living room where the land is not bullied and beaten to a tombstone.” Born a Black woman, she says “I am become a Palestinian.” This public projection visualizes the narrowing of living room from the century old occupation to the current genocide being waged by Israel against Gaza. It sees displacement not as an event but a structure of ongoing occupation, colonial extraction, and gendered and sexual violence. The installation at once highlights the broad “scholasticide” in which Israel has bombed universities, libraries, museums and other cultural institutions, and the gender-based violence that has destroyed living room for women and gender non-conforming people in Palestine. In calling for a right to “living room,” this projection stands in solidarity with Palestinian feminists’ assertion that Palestine is a feminist Issue.