HTMlles EXPORT.2 – 2006 :: peripheries + proximities

About HTMlles:EXPORT 2
From the 18th to the 31st of October a group of artists and works from the 7th edition of the HTMlles Festival: Peripheries + Proximities travelled to Serbia, Bulgaria, and Turkey. The artists presented their works in the format of interactive workshops, artists talks, performances and short exhibitions. The main goal of the travel was the interaction with local artists, publics and curators.
The HTMlles Festival is an ongoing project of StudioXX, Montreal, feminist technology art center, in operation since 1995. The HTMlles Festival, started as an annual event focused on the position of women in cyberspace, has now evolved to become an international biennial project which includes all facets of new media and web art technologies. The Montreal events now stand as a globally-known meeting place for women and feminists working in creative digital mediums and the addition of circulation projects has created an international network for Canadian new media artists. The EXPORT2 tour is comprised of visits to 3 cities: Belgrade, Serbia ; Sofia, Bulgaria; and Istanbul, Turkey. The touring works were presented in parallel to programming produced by local partners and translated in English and in the respective local languages All events are open to the public, including the interactive workshops. StudioXX and the HTMlles Festival receive support from numerous governmental and private bodies. The EXPORT2 project is generously supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, Le Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Quebec, the Canadian Embassy in Ankara and the Candadian Embassy in Belgrade.
The EXPORT 2 project includes touring works which were originally presented in Montreal during the 7th edition of the HTMlles festival: Peripheries + Proximities, and works presented by local artists in Belgrade, Sofia and Istanbul.
Works on tour:
The Lies Project – Emily Hermant [CA]
The Phantom of the Operator – Caroline Martel [CA]
Flatlandia – Michelle Teran [CA/DE] & Amanda Ramos [CA]
Oral Histories – Chantal Dumas [CA] & Valerie Walker [CA]
Distributive Justice – Andreja Kuluncic [Croatia]
Bioteknica – Jennifer Willet [CA] & Shawn Bailey [CA]
XS Labs – Joey Berzowska [CA]