HTMlles Maid in Cyberspace 1 – 1997 :: le festival XX d’art WWW
- Juliet Ann Martin
- Alison Craighead + Jon Thomson
- Antoni Abad
- Élène Tremblay
- Ine Poppe
- Jetty Verhoeff
- Catherine Fargher
- Angharad Wynne-Jones
- Jeannette Lambert
- Raquel Rivera
- Stephanie Cunningham
- Pascale Trudel
- Sonya Rapoport
- Marie-José Sat
- J. R. Carpenter
- Petra Mueller
- Leah Lazariuk
- Nino Rodriguez
- Kate Monro
- Angela Dorrer
- Katherine Liberovskaya
- Sheryl Hamilton
- Melentie Pandilovski
- Veronik Menanteau
- Christy Sheffield Sanford
- Nara Zoyd

The artists in the festival are:
* Juliet Ann Martin: “Can you see me through the computer” (America)
* Alison Craighead and Jon Thomson: “Short Story” (England)
* Antoni Abad: “Sisyphus” (Spain)
* Élène Tremblay: “Chagrins” (Montréal)
* Ine Poppe and Jetty Verhoeff: “Women with Beards” (Holland)
* Catherine Fargher: “Queer Bed In” (Australia)
* Angharad Wynne-Jones: “Threesome” (Australia)
* Jeannette Lambert and Raquel Rivera: “Emerging from Erasure” (Montréal and Malaysia)
* Stephanie Cunningham: “Silence” (America)
* Pascale Trudel: “Amazone” (Montréal)
* Sonya Rapoport and Marie-José Sat: “Brutal Myths” (America)
* JR Carpenter: “The Mythologies of Landforms and Little Girls” (Montréal)
* Petra Mueller: “The Future is not what it used to be” (Montréal)
* Leah Lazariuk: “Virtual Squat” (Montréal)
* Nino Rodriguez: “Face Value” (America)
* Kate Monro: “Cyberporn Gallery” (Toronto)
* Angela Dorrer: “Five Cookie Stories” (Germany)
Some of the projects are no longer available on line. Please contact Studio XX to view them on CD Rom.
Here are the web versions of the presented texts from:
* Katherine Liberovskaya: introduces Web Art and the projects (in French)
* Sheryl Hamilton: on Cyberfeminism
with contributions, not on the XX site, from:
* Melentie Pandilovski “Welcome Back to the Empire” a developing online interactive parallel history of the battles of Alexander III of Macedonia (Republic of Macedonia)
* Veronik Menanteau “Violence et Conscience” France’s first virtual exhibition and an ongoing collective exploration. (in French) (France)
* Christy Sheffield Sanford “RED MONA French Flash Cards” The story of a woman who does nature mediations and craves a workable triangle, drawn from “Two Little Soldiers” by De Maupassant. (America)
* Nara Zoyd “la Zoyd’s pataVerse” an avatar’s adventures (America)
Liens web:
Festival Website