Launch .dpi 27 : Hacktivism

A new feminist journal of art and digital culture in Montreal
.dpi gets a makeover!
Thursday, 25 April 2013, 5 – 8 PM
Notre-Dame-des-Quilles Bar (32 Beaubien E.)
Free entrance
Founded by artist-run-centre Studio XX in 2004, the publication .dpi has recently undergone a major transformation in order to assert itself as a feminist journal of art and digital culture. In 2013, with continuing administrative and technological support from Studio XX, the journal .dpi became an independent project, with a new platform and new team including permanent editor in chief, Sophie Le-Phat Ho, and a new editorial committee composed of Julie Alary Lavallée, Amber Berson, Esther Bourdages, Christina Haralanova, Corina MacDonald, Katja Melzer, Candace Mooers and Deanna Radford.
In a time when social gains are threatened, funding for artist-run-centres is precarious, and the need for intelligent critique is urgent, the new crew at .dpi wishes to respond to a real need for the creation of an interdisciplinary community of those at once curious and critical of technologies, feminisms and art.
To launch the revamped edition, the new .dpi team invites everyone to a special event on Thursday, April 25, at the bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles (NDQ) located at 32 Beaubien East, starting 5 PM! From 5 to 6 PM, the public will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the beta version of the new, more participatory, platform. Those interested in contributing to the new .dpi blog, a communal space for feminist artists and their allies, can start blogging on the spot supported by the editorial team. Bring your laptop or mobile device!
At 6 PM, there will a short presentation about issue 27 and the changes in the new platform, followed by a discussion and another session of “live-blogging” before DJs take the stage. Throughout the evening, from Berlin, Danish artist Linda Hilfling will perform a feminist intervention on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channels.
Bringing together a dozen local and international participants, .dpi 27 presents a themed section on
hacktivism coordinated by Christina Haralanova, a feminist activist and researcher who is interested by freedom in technology and open-source software. “Hacktivism: the Art of Practicing Life and Computer Hacking for Feminist Activism” brings together unique perspectives and critiques of the current state of hacktivism, a fusion of hacking and activism.
Do We Have Culture?
Sophie Le-Phat Ho in collaboration with the .dpi Editorial Committee
[ Introduction ] Hacktivism: the Art of Practicing Life and Computer Hacking for Feminist Activism
Christina Haralanova
Feminist Hackerspaces as Safer Spaces?
Sophie Toupin
Hacktivisme, attention à soi et politique de l’ordinaire
Anne Goldenberg
Technologically Empowered Body as a Weapon
Marta Heberle
Le hacktivisme et après? Entrevue avec Edith Brunette
Julie Alary Lavallée
Exposing the Inner Workings: An Interview with Nancy Mauro-Flude
Margaret J. Mather
Processes at Play: .dpi’s Amber Berson interviews Valentina Vuksic
Amber Berson
[ Project ] dp1
Linda Hilfling
Musique et politique, pratiques de femmes
Esther Bourdages
“Where have all the interesting women gone?”
.dpi Book Club
Based in Montreal and published online, .dpi opens a unique and bilingual space for dialogue and interdisciplinary critical reflection, research, experimentation, documentation, and positions and propositions, situated at the intersection of art, technology and feminisms. The journal is a platform where the bold, critical, engaged and curious contributor may question issues related to feminism (in all its varieties), art and digital culture.