StudioXX celebrates its 10th birthday under the auspices of Event X, 2 days of conferences, round table discussions and performances. In connection with this event StudioXX will host visitor Nat Muller to present her own curatorial practice. Internationally renowned as new media curator, Nat Muller will be at StudioXX in the morning, on the 5th of October to host an intimate conference on her curatorial work. Her primary research directions have concentrated on the intersections between aesthetic, technology and politics, as well as new media and art practices in the Middle East. Nat Muller will update us on her position as curator working between Europe and the Middle East, bringing up questions emerging from this networked practice which is, according to her, often schizophrenic. You are cordially invited to take part in this discussion.
In order to orient and animate the discussion we have invited active local curator Alice Ming Wai Jim who has recently returned to Montreal after working for 3 years in conservation at the Vancouver International Center for Contemporary Asian Art (Center A). Alice is now a professor at Concordia University. Her main fields of interest include contemporary Asian art, the art of the Diaspora, new medias, theories of representation, globalization, urban studies and curatorial practices. The links between the practices and orientations of Alice Min Wai Jim and Nat Muller promise to foster a dynamic discussion between these two interventionists and the attending public.
The discussion will be in English.
$5, free admission for members
Inscriptions: programmation@studioxx.org or 845-7934
Please pass on this invitation! Hope to see you there!
Is an independent curator and critic based in Rotterdam. She also serves as new media curator at De Balie, Amsterdam. Nat is primarily interested in viewing social and political processes through a cultural/artistic lens. She has published articles in off- and online media, and has given presentations on the subject of media technology and art (inter)nationally. She has curated video selections for international platforms, such as the Transmediale (Berlin), NBK (Berlin), FIFVC (Beirut), Transito (Amsterdam), Coding:Decoding (Copenhagen). Her main interests include: the intersections of aesthetics, technology and politics; (new) media and art in Middle East. Her latest projects in 2004 include The Trans_European Picnic – The Art and Media of Accession in collaboration with Kuda (Novi Sad) and V2_ (Rotterdam), co-curating the electronic art biennial DEAF_04: Affective Turbulence: The Art of Open Systems; the curatorial research project “Xeno_Tech” which researches situated practices of media (art) in the Middle East. Projects in 2005 include the exhibition INFRA_ctures involving sound artists and architects, and Xeno_Sonic: a series of experimental sound performances from the Middle East. She is co-initiator of the Upgrade! Amsterdam, a series of gatherings for and by new media aficionados, artists, geeks, media makers and breakers. She has been appointed co-curator for Re: visie 2007; the exhibition accompanying the Dutch Film Festival. Nat has taught media theory and electronic art at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam (NL) and at the Lebanese American University in Beirut (LB).
Alice Ming Wai Jim has a BA in art history from McGill University, an MA in Art History from Concordia University and a PhD (Dean’s Honour List) in Art History from McGill in 2004. Her doctoral dissertation addressed urban metaphors in Hong Kong media art in relation to questions of place identity, history and spatial culture. Her MA thesis examined the first exhibition in Canada to devote itself entirely the work of Black women artists. Jim’s teaching and research interests include Contemporary art, Contemporary Asian art, art of the Diaspora, new media art, theories of representation, globalization and city theory, and curatorial studies. Before joining the faculty at Concordia, Jim was Curator of the Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art (Centre A) in Vancouver from 2003 to 2006. She has curated numerous exhibitions including the new media art project Container Culture for ISEA2006, Yoko Ono: Mending Peace, Mining the Archive by two UK-based artists, and, co-curated with Viet Le, Charlie Don’t Surf: 4 Vietnamese American Artists. In June 2004, she convened the major international symposium, Mutations<>Connections: Cultural (Ex)Changes in Asian Diasporas in Vancouver. Jim has published articles in numerous magazines and journals including Parachute, Flash Art, Art Asia Pacific, Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique, Amerasia Journal, and Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art. Her writings have appeared in book and exhibition catalogues including Dye-A-Di-A-Logue with Ellen Pau (2004), Racism, Eh? A Critical Inter-Disciplinary Anthology of Race and Racism in Canada (2004), and the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture (2005). Her current research projects focus on the aesthetics of mobility in relation to international art exhibitions, and the development of Asian Canadian art since the 1907 Vancouver Riots.