Ada X presents Salima Punjani’s work in two parts as part of Campus Fab City. Discover the digital art initiation project carried out with youth from Rivière-des-Prairies as part of les courants program. With the help of Echofab, students from École Jean-Grou built a multisensory listening cushion, with which they presented a montage of sound extracts of their choice. You can also experience the work “Progression”, adapted for mixed virtual reality, featuring the stories of people living with multiple sclerosis.
The experience starts off with a cozy, relaxed meeting space full of cushions and plants where participants are guided through a listening ritual that supports connection and ease. Participants can stay until they feel ready to be guided by iridescent orbs and pathways of neural interconnections to spheres that hold space for the four audio and visual narratives of people living with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease that impacts people in many different ways – physical, mental, emotional. Visitors are always welcome to come back to the opening room, take a break, and just be. Sometimes, when dealing with conditions like MS, people make a lot of assumptions and impose their own interpretations about what it means to live with chronic illness. These stories are a chance to capture how people with lived experience would like to be seen – framed by their own brain scans and photographed in a way that is completely in their own control. It is an opportunity to question assumptions by providing a deep listening experience in a relaxed digital environment.
This work was created in the context of the Allo Ada project, a virtual space for discovery, animation and encounters with artists produced by Ada X with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.
This workshop is offered as part of the Campus Fab City Montréal, in collaboration with Communautique and Eastern Bloc.
The Fab City Campus Montréal 2023 is a major two-day event that brings together over 2000 key players involved in city resilience. The event is divided into several parts to reach different audiences. The Campus will take place in the District Central of Montréal where citizens, organizations and specialists involved in the resilient cities movement will concretely deploy their projects to advance knowledge. The Campus also offers inspiring online meetings with Fab City actors from the Americas. Under the main theme of Biodiversity of the Americas, the Fab City Campus Montréal proposes seven main topics to co-create meaningful narratives: Education for the future, manufacturing ecosystem, distributed energy, blockchain for all, territory design and bioregional production, the Nature Economy, open innovation and citizen participation.