Museomix Meetup at Studio XX

On the occasion of the coming of a part of the core team Museomix Quebec (from 18 to 24 February), an appointment * type * meetup is organized by and for the community Museomix Quebec
This Tuesday, February 19, 2013, at 17:00
Studio XX – 4001 Rue Berri, Suite 201. Montreal
The purpose of this meeting is to allow all those who wish to learn more about Museomix to meet and exchange them. Will be present to answer questions: Arthur Schmitt (responsible Fablab on Museomix), Christophe Monnet and Julien Dorra (team founders Museomix), Patrick Tanguay (organizing team Museomix Quebec).
In particular, if you want to:
- Participate in Museomix Quebec Museum of Civilization in Quebec on 8, 9 and 10 November 2013
- Collaborate in the organization upstream
- Involve your company in support Museomix
- You surely have questions, ideas, suggestions!