Date: Saturday 7 and Sunday, May 8, 2011
Location: Studio XX, 4001 Berri, suite 201 – between Duluth and Roy, metro Sherbrooke or metro Mont-Royal
Free and open to all
Studio XX is proud to host Saturday 7 and Sunday, May 8, 2011 the pre-meeting activities of Libre Graphics Meeting 2011, which will be held from 10 to 13 May 2011 at the Ecole Polytechnique.
The Libre Graphics Meeting exists to unite and accelerate the efforts behind Free, Libre and Open Source creative software. Since 2006, this annual meeting is the premiere conference for developers, users and supporters of projects such as GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, Krita, Scribus, Hugin, the Open Clipart Library, and the Open Font Library who gather to work on interoperability, shared standards, and new ideas.
Work at prior LGMs has pushed the state of the art in important areas such as color management, cross-application sharing of assets, and common formats. Face-to-face meetings and opportunities for collaboration are important to users and developers alike; in the form of tutorials, talks, workshops, and birds-of-a-feather (BOF) the event offers many formal and informal opportunities to interact.
MORNING : Digital Pattern Making Workshop (workshop with Susan Spencer)
Participants with Inkscape, Python & pySVG loaded on their laptops will learn to transfer a 19th century pattern into python code, and generate this pattern using their own measurements. No previous sewing level is required! Both sexes are encouraged to attend. Each student will leave the workshop with a simply constructed version of their garment, and a printed copy of their customized pattern.
AFTERNOON : Debate and Exhibition of f/loss graphics work opening.
MORNING : Famous People (illustration workshop with Brad Phillips, ginger coons, …)
Who are these Famous People? Illustrators, fans or both please bring an image of your favourite celebrity and find out about how to create clipart with VIP status.