Presentation of Biomateria + Contagious Matters with WhiteFeather + Tristan Matheson


Thursday February 25, 2016 | 6 PM
@ STUDIO XX – 4001, Berri (corner Duluth) space 201
Suggested donation: 2$, *FREE* for members
Refreshments will be served

Studio XX invites you to the presentation of Biomateria + Contagious Matterswith WhiteFeather + Tristan Matheson. Moderator: Sarah Choukah

Biomateria + Contagious Matters are separate but related works that address both the dilemmas of and various potentials for biotechnology in transforming human reality. In this presentation the artists will talk about their ongoing research: WhiteFeather’s work comments on the relationship between nonhuman agents (cell forms) and human technological and creative industry through the production of craft-based textile forms enculturated with mammalian tissue cells. Matheson’s work directly addresses social behaviors and communication within a biological tissue culture of cancer cells.