Riding the Wave – Pirate Radio Festival
Presented par the XX Files
The night of Saturday 3rd to Sunday 4th, March, 2018
From 7pm to 7am
@ Earth II, 135 Van Horne, local 212
Follow the livestream here!
As part of Montreal’s Nuit Blanche, the XX Files present Riding the Wave, a networked and collaborative durational performance that mimics a radio festival. The programming gathers 12 hours of live interviews, panel discussions, pre-recorded sound art, radio drama and music.
While the programming remains eclectic, the discussion topics and interviews address common themes: intersectional feminism, countercultural movements in the arts, in the musical field and in politics, and the role of women in relation to technologies, to only name a few.
This project promotes radio as a means of communication and as its own artform. With an experimental spirit, Riding the Wave features material and approaches not already catered to by the mainstream.
Join us on March 3rd, online or on the spot for a night of an alternative radio night!