Sandde: The World’s First Freehand S-3D Animation System

Presentation by Emily Pelstring
Public Demo by Claire Blanchet
3pm – 4pm
Sandde is the stereoscopic equivalent of a piece of paper and a pencil. Whether you need to create a finished animation, a 3D storyboard, or a stereoscopic painting, Sandde offers quick and intuitive methods for getting your ideas out into a virtual 3D world.
How does Sandde work? As you move the Wand, the Sandde system tracks its position and orientation. Sandde then interprets the Wand’s coordinate data to create and display 3D stereoscopic lines that correspond to your real-world movements. And all of this outputs in real-time to any 3D display, so that you can see your work in 3D as you draw it. Your drawing literally floats in front of you, taking form as a real-time trace of your hand movements.