Studio XX have presented two ArtTalks focusing on the topic of « Open Source and The Matricules Online Archive : A Major Creation by a Feminist Artist-run Centre » in the context of The Histories and Archives, Arts and Hypermediatic Literature International Colloquium. The .dpi editorial team was also present Studio XX’s .dpi electronic journal.
Stéphanie Lagueux, Webmistress at Studio XX since 2002 and Director of the digitizing phase of the Matricules Online Archive, reflect on the results and the experience of undertaking a project of this magnitude within an artist-run centre. She introduce the mechanics and content of this resolutely Web 2.0 tool, launched just over a year ago. Hovering between dream and reality, this important tool does not replace the human element, which must select, prepare and organize the content placed on line. As a feminist artist-run centre, the actualization of this archive is central to Studio XX’s existence.
Bérengère Marin Dubuard, Director of Production at Studio XX, put into historical and theoretical context Open Source multimedia tools used in artistic and media art production. She present artworks created at Studio with these technologies, notably through the commissioned artwork workshops Autonomy and Activism and Digital Ludology, both of which are documented on Matricules.
The Histories and Archives, Arts and Hypermediatic Literature International Colloquium was presented from April 30th to May 2nd at The Agora Hydro-Québec du Coeur des Sciences, 175 Président-Kennedy Avenue.
Inaugurated in 2005, the NT2 Laboraratory seeks to promote the study, reading, creation and archiving of digital artworks. To achieve this mandate, the Lab team has been at work on an Arts and Media Arts Literature Repertory. It was during the creation of this tool, that a reflection on contemporary issues relating to archiving first surfaced.
This Colloquium was coupled with the Biennale de Montréal 2009’s Colloquium, whose theme is Open Culture, held on May 2 -3, 2009.