The Mouth of Every Cave Will One Day Close

Presented by Ada X as part of the HTMlles Festival
The Mouth of Every Cave Will One Day Close
The ffiles (Amanda Harvey, Miranda Jones, Julia Dyck, Sophy Merizzi et Sophie Marisol)
Audio piece
From November 6 to December 2
Via HTMlles website
For this new edition of the HTMlles festival, the ffiles collective proposes a sound iteration of the project L’embouchure de chaque grotte se fermera un jour, first presented in the form of a workshop and an installation-performance at the Darling Foundry in September 2020.
Drawing on the haptic potential of sound and the voice, this work investigates alternative forms of intimacy and connectivity. In this moment physical proximity is limited, the ffiles aim to create a space that employs sound as a stand-in for touch. Always present within their work is an emphasis on creating and cultivating modes of queerness, community and connection. This work resists the screen, resists the surveillance-state and aims to bring listeners into their bodies for a shared experience.