On Tuesday, May 8, beginning at 10h, CQAM proposes a visit to Studio XX, as well as OBORO, Eastern Bloc, Hexagram and the exhibit Out Of The Blue / Into The Black during The International Digital Arts Biennial (BIAN) created by Elektra in Montreal.
Hosted by professionals, this day will enable emerging artists to network et learn more on different support and ressources that can be offered to them. The day will conclude at the Société des arts technologiques (SAT) with a Labsessions evening (www.sat.qc.ca).
Cost: $ 10 / person; including lunch. Reservation required.
Info : 514 527-5116 or info at cqam.org
CQAM receives the support of the Programme de financement d’activités de formation et de réseautage 2012, made possible by the Montreal Arts Council, the Forum Jeunesse de l’Île de Montréal and the Conférence régionale des élus de Montréal through ORAM (Outiller la relève artistique montréalaise).