With Allison Moore
Friday, February 18th from 6pm to 9pm, Saturday, February 19 and Sunday, February 20, 2022 from 12pm to 5pm (15 hours total)
105$ (tax included) *see conditions below
8 participants maximum
Workshop given by a bilingual instructor
At Ada X
To register, contact ateliers@ada-x.org before February 16th 2022. Your registration will be confirmed once payment is made.
This hands-on workshop will introduce you to video mapping techniques using the projection mapping software Madmapper. This software is often used in media arts and in the theatre for projecting video footage onto a variety of forms and surfaces. By adapting projections to specific spaces, participants will be able to combine recorded and live footage in real time. First, they will develop a project based on process mapping and examples of video creation. Secondly, they will create a projection model based on prior examples and influences. Lastly, participants will use the tools they have learned to research and develop their own project which will be presented on the last day of the workshop.
The necessary equipment (computer, MadMapper license and projector) is provided.
- Explore MadMapper software ;
- Discover the work of artists doing video mapping;
- Become familiar with project management methods used in video mapping (technical constraints, necessary equipment, gallery or building projection);
- Create or edit a video as part of a video mapping project;
- Explore different textures/ materials and their interaction with light, using projectors;
- Make a model as part of a video mapping research project that will be presented to the group on the last class.
- Video editing experience
- Be an artist, creator, cultural worker or professional
- Be present for throughout the whole duration of the formation
Reservation / Payment
Reservations can be done by email at ateliers@ada-x.org. Full payment must be made for the registration to be valid. Payment Options : PayPal, check or cash. Registration to a workshop is not transferable.
Cancellation / Refunding
Ada X does not refund inscription fees, except in cases of illness or of absolute necessity. On such occassions, inscription fees are transferable to another workshop or service offered by the center.
Workshop Cancellation
Ada X reserves the right to cancel workshops at any time and without advance notice. In this event, inscription fees are totally refunded.
***Are you employed by a company with a payroll of $ 2 million? In addition, this training will be paid by your employer because you will follow in the course of your job?
According to the regulations for this workshop, people who answer yes to these two questions have access to training, but can not benefit from subsidized rates. The fare will therefore represent 10% of the total value of the training. In the event of more registrations than the number of places available, priority will be given to artists and cultural workers who meet the profile promoted by the program.
For any question or clarification, please contact us at ateliers@ada-x.org.