This virtual world mirrors Gentle Bot Seeks Same’s original development as a physical installation spanning all four walls of the Ada X gallery. Here, the experimental framework for developing an AI is represented as a 3D world rather than a flat image. Each island represents a distinct phase in the Gentle Bot’s elaboration, forming a circular path that bridges the realms of nature and technology. As a visitor, you journey into the machine and take the form of a singular computational thread. This experience invites you to explore the relationship between humans and machines, guiding you through the bot’s quest for balance and meaning within the confines of a digital forest. As you explore these digital islands, each corresponding to a unique phase of existence, your trajectory shifts, mimicking the AI’s progression.
Conceived in the post-pandemic context, the Allo Ada project enabled 8 artists and a collective to integrate and adapt their work on the XR Mozilla Hubs mixed reality web platform, with the help of LouisTB, Anna Eyler and Jules Galbraith. This platform enables Ada X to develop educational activities that bring the universe of each artist to a public and a formula adapted to its context.
Allo Ada is a virtual space for discovering, animating and meeting artists created by Ada X on the XR Mozilla Hub Web reality platform, with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.