We are not surprised | Community discussion about abuses of power in Quebec arts organizations

Studio XX + Feminist Media Studio + LA CENTRALE Galerie Powerhouse + articule
Monday, August 10th, 2020
4pm – 6pm
Bilingual event
Contact ateliers@studioxx.org to register
Several feminist art spaces in Montreal are coming together to respond to the current wave of denunciation against abuses of power in Quebec’s arts organizations. We acknowledge the collective bravery on the part of those who have spoken out, and want to offer this spontaneous discussion as an urgent response to the need for solidarity and dialogue. Our goal is to share, listen, and reflect. How can we move from confidential conversations to a collective discussion, and gather a real account of our experiences? What tools can we develop together to support each other, to deconstruct toxic behaviours and to cultivate shared accountability in the arts community?
Each person is invited to speak or not, to share or to simply be present and listen. Alongside the Zoom conversation, we plan to provide other ways to share ideas, resources, and stories anonymously.
No racist, sexist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic or classist comments will be tolerated. We invite everyone to respect the diversity of experiences and to consider their own power and privilege in this context.
More details to follow.
For any questions, please contact ateliers@studioxx.org and you will receive a response after August 3rd.