The HTMlles Festival 2014
micha cárdenas (Toronto)
Feminist Media Studio (7141, Sherbrooke W (2.130))
Free entrance
Tuesday, November 11, 5–7 PM
Language: English
“We Have Found” is based on the Redshift and Portalmetal: Femme Science Findings performances. We will consider how our daily survival strategies as gendered, racialized, and medicalized people give us unique skills and abilities to imagine futures, beyond the apocalypses we are living, and make them real. The workshop combines elements of theatre of the oppressed and dance with writing prompts using the Scalar e-publishing platform to create an interactive online film. cárdenas is an artist, writer, settler, mixed race latina femme who has recently moved to Toronto.
Free but please register by emailing: rsvp@htmlles.net
Please come fragrance free
Programming partners :
Feminist Media Studio