Wired Woman S@lon 81: Manon De Pauw + pk langshaw

Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 6:30 PM
4001 Berri (corner Duluth), Suite 201
Sherbrooke Metro
Information: 514.845.7934
Free admission for Studio XX members; $5.00 for non-members
Hors d’œuvres and refreshments will be served
Studio XX hosts an evening of presentations by media artists, Manon De Pauw and pk langshaw, whose practices involve poetics, projection and performance, as well as communication, collaboration and choreography.
At this Wired Women S@lon, Manon De Pauw will present her artistic practice materialized in several forms, including video, installation, photography and performance. In her work, the body is alternately manipulating and manipulated, inert and active, and acts as an object and instrument, motor and pattern. As self-representation, Manon’s research focuses on tactility, self-referentiality of the medium and the process of the emerging image. Her projects are born of a desire to link formalism with the performative process as well as create complex visual situations with minimal elements. In practice, this is crystallized by the emphasis placed on the performative act, the presence of the work and the attention given to the act committed.
pk langshaw will present the project d_verse : transitional algorhythms of gesture, created through the d_verse lab at the Hexagram/Concordia Institute for Research/Creation in Media Arts and Technologies, which she established in 2006. In this lab, researchers investigate the intersection of poetic introspection and hybrid praxis, that of verse – diverse, reverse, inversion, transversal and reversible. The research/creation works are informed by design/art and science, and situated as sociological projects. The content is mediated by forms of sensor controlled environments, garments, video, photography, real time interfaces and adaptive screen projections. Other interests include the internet as social media, network and/or democratic site of communication, interaction and display. pk will also introduce her latest research to the audience.
Manon De Pauw has presented solo exhibitions at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery (2010), Cambridge Galleries (2010), Optica (Montreal, 2007), Video Tape (Quebec, 2007), Expression (St-Hyacinthe, 2005) and Dare-Dare (Montreal, 2003). Her solo exhibition curated by Louise Déry (Galerie de l’UQAM, 2009), accompanied by a monograph catalog, has traveled to several cities in Canada and abroad. Manon has participated in numerous group exhibitions and events in Canada, Europe and Latin America, such as the Festival des films sur l’art (2010), the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal’s Trienniale (2008), the 8è Bienal de video y nuevos medios de Santiago en Chile (2007) and Ils causent des systèmes (2004) at the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. Her work is part of the permanent collections of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec and the Université de Québec à Montréal.
Manon is the curator of Acts Presence (2010) at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, as part of her series Point de vue based on the collection. In addition to her individual video performances, she collaborates on the piece Là où je vis de la chorégraphe Danièle Desnoyers (Le carré des lombes), on tour since 2008. Manon lives and works in Montreal and teaches in the Photography Department at Concordia University.
pk langshaw is an Associate Professor in the Department of Design & Computation Arts and a founding member of the Hexagram/Concordia Institute for Research/Creation in Media Arts and Technologies at Concordia University. She earned a Master’s Degree in Arts plastiques en création from the Université de Québec à Montréal. pk’s hybrid praxis is extracted from concrete poetry and expanded by the quantic relations of all things verse – diverse, inversion, transversal, and reversible. The use of technologies for innovative adaptation in nomadic performance and filmic interpretation are of particular interest to her. As principle investigator or collaborator, pk has been funded by Hexagram, FQRSC, Research-Creation, CASA, the McConnell Foundation, CIAM and SSHRC.
* Last chance to see Marginalia by Pam Hall and Margaret Dragu! The exhibition is featured in the Studio XX café during this Salon and must return to British Columbia / Newfoundland by February!!