Wired Women S@lon #76: Celldance | Natacha Clitandre + Aurélie Pédron

Thursday, February 11, 2010, 6:15PM
At 4001 Berri, Suite 200
(OBORO’s New Media Lab)
Free admission for members;
$5.00 for non-members
Light fare and refreshments will be served
This conference will focus on the theme of videodance and the various mobile platforms used to manipulate and circulate images. The artist guest speakers will present different approaches and aesthetics related to these platforms, using examples of their video work.
Within our exploration of videodance creation, Aurélie Pédron will discuss questions central to her artistic practice based on movement and its transformation as a result of editing images.
“I am interested in movement as a reflection of humanity. A unique and emotionally rich gesture occurs when the camera’s movement is combined with the movement of the dancer. In particular, I work with the poetry that is conveyed through the movement of the image.” — Aurélie
Aurélie will present three of her artworks: Il était encore des fois (2006), Strange Fruit (2008) and Mémoire des choses qui tombent (2009).
Natacha Clitandre will explain her artistic practice, and in particular the influences that brought her to diffuse her work through mobile devices.
“I observe the everyday, the ways in which we present ourselves to others and how we represent ourselves in relation to our immediate environment. I am interested in the ‘encounter’, the link established with the Other, and more specifically, in the potential exchange between the public and the artist by means of the artwork. This leads me to linger on the mediating character of the image and on the levels of representation that it carries. Based on the ambient fluctuations of the urban centres that I visit, I infiltrate everyday spaces, leaving my trace via various mobile distribution supports.” — Natacha
Through her training in the Dance Department at the Université de Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Aurélie Pédron explored interpretation, creation, videodance and film animation. Her current research focuses on image and video movement, examining the deformation of movement through the camera’s perspective and how it is re-choreographed through editing. Aurélie’s work has been circulated throughout Quebec, Canada, the USA, Asia and Europe.
Natacha Clitandre obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts in 2000 from UQAM, where she also studied Graphic Design at the École de Design, and Concordia University. In 2007, she completed a Master’s degree in Contemporary Art and New Media Theory and Practice at the Université Paris 8. During her studies, she received a research grant at Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design. Her artistic practice focuses on the screen as a mediative interface between the artist and the public, supported by mobile diffusion systems and other Internet supports in an everyday context. In 2004, Natacha was Artist in Residence at Recyclart (Brussels). Her work has been shown at the public art event Midi (Komplot, Brussels, 2004), Conflux (Glowlab Gallery and Centre for Architecture, New York, 2007 and 2008), Pocket Films (Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 2006 and 2008), among other festivals. Natacha lives and works in Montreal.