Wired Women S@lon 84: Darsha Hewitt + Gambletron + Blue Hawaii

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Doors : 6.30pm | 7pm to 10.30pm
4001, rue Berri (corner Duluth) suite 201
Metro Sherbrooke | Information: 514.845.7934
Free admission for Studio XX members | $5.00 for non-members | Hors d’œuvres and refreshments will be served
Celebrating the end of 2010-11 season, Studio XX is proud to host Wired Women S@lon 84 featuring the artists Darsha Hewitt & Gambletron followed with a musical performance by Blue Hawaii. The evening will begin with the launch of the latest issue of our online Journal, .dpi #21 presenting the theme Liberty: in Action, along with an overview by Editor-in-chief Deanna Radford. Come join us to celebrate the arrival of summer!
Presentation by: Darsha Hewitt and workshop participants Sarah Choukah et Isabelle Melnick
Handmade Electronics workshop participants present some of the ideas, electronic components are projects they worked on during this intensive hands-on introduction to the world of homemade electronics.
Darsha Hewitt is a Canadian artist based in Montreal Quebec. Her practice is concerned with how electricity is experienced and perceived in domestic environments. Her artwork consists of electro-mechanical sound installations as well as technical drawings and videos that playfully subvert the “how to” and “step by step” formats prevalent in do-it-yourself (DIY) electronics culture. She has presented her work and taught electronics workshops across Canada in Mexico and Europe. Darsha was recently awarded an international work stipend from The Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst in Oldenburg Germany.
GAMBLETRON is a sonic artist & lady sound architect based out of Montreal who does improv-electronics, experimental Karaoke, textural soundscapes with a slight reference to a Gothic industrial punk rock (and twinge of Beyonce?). Accompanied by beats (or no beats), lo-fi, circuit bent toys, found objects, home made mics, radios, bowed bike wheels, toy instruments, loops, reel2reels and other types of electronics. Having previously collaborated with Carla Bozulich, Gambletron is also a multi instrumentalist and can be found playing in other popular projects such as Scusi, Hrsta, Clues, Thundrah, Matana Roberts, Nive Nielsen and jenni-5 Reimer, just to name a few. Oh yeah, did we also mention she play weddings, bar mitzvahs and children’s parties?
Blue Hawaii tells the story of a lush paradise. The way begins ambient and uncertain, but beautiful white shell beaches and carefree sunshine parties await and nourish those travellers with love in their hearts; their peace thus raised above the arguments found along the rocky road. The duo consists of Raph and Agor; they use voice, guitars, synths, drum machines, and other electronics to create a kind of tropical-pop with love ache melodies and experimental club rhythms.
Editor-in-Chief: Deanna Radford
.dpi #21 is the second issue in a three-part series focusing on the theme of liberty. Politics finds its meaning in freedom. The concept of politics comes from the desire for freedom of individuals, of communities, of a people. In practice, freedom is nothing without a policy-based framework. Freedom is the right to act, but why act? The philosopher Hannah Arendt said that to be true, the only freedom that matters is that which “is being able to do what we must want.” Freedom is the ability to fulfill one’s duty to help others, protecting their acts of freedom. What are the practices of media artists today as they participate in collective actions for freedom?
Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory: Fostering Freedom Among Female Technologists | by Katharina Galla
Wendy Geller and the Uses of Confinement | by Tom Kohut
Le contrôle du temps avec “It’s time” : entre démocratie et liberté | Entretien avec Olga Kisseleva by Mariève Desjardins
Vous ne souffrirez plus et Transe cognitive exp. : le spectateur à la conquête d’une liberté mentale | Entretien avec Sarah Roshem by Mariève Desjardins
Border / No Border | by Olga Kisseleva
Circadian | by i8u