Wired Women S@lon 90: Cynthia Naggar + The Distance Between – Stereoscopic 3D Art by Women

With: Cynthia Naggar, Leila Sujir, Maria Lantin, Alison Loader, Emily Pelstring, Rebecca St. John and Claire Blanchet
Exhibit + Vernissage + Artist Talks
Thursday, May 17, 2012, 7PM
4001, Berri Street (corner Duluth) space 201
Admission: $5 or *FREE* for members
Hors d’œuvres and refreshments will be served
As part of Wired Women S@lon #90, Studio XX is proud to host an evening of artist talks and the launch of the exhibition The Distance Between: Stereoscopic 3D Art by Women which will take place from May 17 to June 5, 2012 at Studio XX. The event will also present artist Claire Blanchet who will be offering a SANDDE workshop, on Saturday, May 26, from 1 to 5pm, at Studio XX. Cynthia Naggar will be presenting the result of her residency project, which took part from February 27 to April 13, 2012 at Studio XX, an interactive sound and visual installation entitled Mille mots valent une image, a supported project through Labsessions, produced by the SAT.
The Distance Between is an exhibition of 3D work by women artists working with a range of technologies, from handheld stereoscopic viewers to interactive video. Each work gives consideration to connections between the body and the virtual 3D environment, whether by inviting gestural interaction or providing immersive viewing experiences that play on our sense of scale. By presenting a variety of creative approaches made possible by the recent proliferation of stereoscopic devices for the consumer market, the exhibition seeks to encourage other artists to begin exploring the conceptual possibilities offered by these newly accessible tools. This exhibition is made possible with support from Janro Imaging Laboratory, home of Sandde software.