Lancé en 2008, Matricules un projet d’archives en ligne, un registre imagé et documentaire du Studio XX regroupant 3738 documents et médias.
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December 31, 1997
Titre forgé : XX Files Dec 31, 1997, Jan 14, 1998. 1st Generation Copy
Interview with Anushka Garcia, founder of Montreal Goddesses, supporting group for large sized women, this group is based on the National Association for Fat Acceptance (in the USA), Anushka describes founding the group and developing it.
Audio cassette
Physical Description:
MEMOREX DBS, 8mm, 90 min.
Archivist's Note Musique: Dinah Washington , Ethel Waters "Old Man Harlem" & "Lots of bread & gravy all the time" , Queen Ida "Recipe for zydeco tacos" (extraits musicaux)
Tech: Valerie d. Walker & Mary