

Lancé en 2008, Matricules un projet d’archives en ligne, un registre imagé et documentaire du Studio XX regroupant 3738 documents et médias.

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May 2, 2007

Titre forgé : 20070502.11.30-12.10.mp3

Ckut pledging week. Second broadcast of a song compositions by sound producer Chantal Dumas, made during Export 2, as part of the seventh edition of the HTMlles festival called Périphéries et Proximités. The piece is an audio documentary which is part of a body of work entitled Histoires Orales.

Support: Digital Multimedia
Physical Description: MP3 File
Archivist's Note Musique: The Dorkestra , Cassette Boy x2 (extraits musicaux) Tech: Anita Cotic , Beewoo

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