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March 11, 2015
Titre forgé : 20150311.mp3
(Bilingual show) 25 Ways To Make Love To The Earth by Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stevens. Introducing the fifteenth year of Art Matters, a student-run festival taking place yearly at Concordia University. Two guests, who have come to the studio to discuss an exhibition, are introduced: Laurence Beaudoin Morin, the curator of the Oppression Aesthetics exposition, and Catherine Fournier-Poirier, who is on the executive committee of the Fine Arts Student Alliance (FASA) and who got involved in Laurence’s show. Laurence explains the idea behind Oppression Aesthetics and that the artists approach gender, feminism, cultural identities and environmentalism through various media. She explains the process of creating an exhibit as far as being a curator. Catherine explains her roles in events and the process of educating people about austerity in preparation for upcoming protests. She also explains austerity and the problems and hypocrisy behind the Couillard government. They discuss the intention behind the exposition and events as well as briefly describing some of the artworks. There is a discussion on what oppression means and what forms it come. This is followed by the various ways the fight against austerity is relevant and important.