Anne Golden

Anne Golden is an independent curator and writer whose programmes have been presented at the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Edges Festival, and Queer City Cinema, among others. She is Artistic Director of Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV). Golden has made twelve videos including Fat Chance (1994), Big Girl Town (1998), and From the Archives of Vidéo Populaire (2007).

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Mad Parade

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12 November 2014


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The HTMlles Festival 2014 Diyan Achjadi (Vancouver), claRa apaRicio yoldi (London), Alison Ballard (London), Beate Hecher (Vienna), Sandra Araújo (Porto), Cristine Brache (London), Francesca Fini (Rome), Anne Golden (Montreal), Myriam Jacob-Allard (Montreal), Markus Keim (Vienna), Nelly-Ève Rajotte (Montreal) and Sabrina Ratté (Montreal)   SPECIAL EVENT   GIV (4001, Berri (105).

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13 November 2010


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18 May 2005


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