audrey samson

With a M.A. in Media Design from the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam (2007), audrey samson is a media designer and artist working and living between Montreal and Rotterdam. As a member of the genderchangers collective since 2006, she led FLOSS and electronic workshops, co-organized the annual /etc festival (2008) and participated in winter camp, organized by the Institute of Network Cultures (2009). With interests in education and research, she was a Media Design minor teacher at the Willem de Kooning Academie in Rotterdam (2007-09) and a Media Theory and Communications teacher at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam (2008-09). Audrey also conducted numerous workshops at institutions such as Mediamatic in Amsterdam (2007), miss despoinas hacklab in Hobart, Australia (2009), OKNO  in Brussels (2009), the SKVR (Stichting Kunstzinnige Vorming Rotterdam) in Rotterdam (2009), and the Netherlands Media Art Institute in Amsterdam (2009). audrey completed artist residencies at _____ – micro research in Berlin (2009) and perte de signal’s rustines | lab in Montreal (2008). She exhibited her installation spectres? as part of Soundscape #1 with Peter Venus and Reni Hofmüller at ESC im labor during Galerientage in Graz (2008). audrey presented Haunted Profiles; Social Networking Sites and the Crisis of Death at the Re : live Media Art Histories conference in Melbourne (2009), which was subsequently published in the conference proceedings (ed. Sean Cubitt and Paul Thomas). She also presented Praise the Media! Mediated Mourning Rituals and the Acceptance of Death at the Specters, Hauntings and Archives conference organised by ASCA (Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis) (2009).