Camille Bédard

Camille Bédard is an architectural historian and artist based in Montréal. Her interdisciplinary work combines architecture, art, and curatorship. She graduated with her MA in Cultural Mediation and Technology from the School of Architecture, McGill University (2013). Her graduate research focused on the historic movie theatre typology, in relation to the affective experience and role of movie-going in urban sociability. Passionate about Montreal’s built environment, she was a co-curator of Points de vue, a socially-engaged, activist, and community-based platform for a series of urban laboratories and final exhibition at the Fonderie Darling (2014). Camille currently works for the creative workshops of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal.
Le Possible (2014)
Le Possible is a collaborative intervention on a protected urban landscape in Montreal called Le Champ des possibles (the Field of Possibilities) by Cynthia Hammond, Camille Bédard, Shauna Janssen, Roger Latour, and Itai Peleg.