Erandy Vergara

Erandy Vergara curates, investigates, reads and writes about contemporary and media art. Her main research interests include feminism, global art histories, curatorial studies, postcolonialism, and critical race studies, with a particular interest in recent remix cultures, the strengths and downfalls of science and technology, decolonial uses of media, critical histories of virtual reality, and the aesthetics and ethics of participation. She earned a MA at Concordia University and a PhD in Art History at McGill University. She has received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Société et culture. Her dissertation focuses on movement and orientations in interactive installations from Latin America.

She has curated and produced a number of exhibitions in diverse institutions ranging from media art museums (Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico) to alternative spaces (Manchester Digital Laboratory, U.K.). She was the artistic director of the 12th edition of The HTMlles Festival: Terms of Privacy (2016), and co-artistic director of Transitio_mx 06, the Media Art Festival held in Mexico City (2015). Her writing has been published in books and journals including: “The Routledge Companion to Remix Studies” (2014) and “[Ready] Media: Towards an archeology of Media and Invention in Mexico” (2013). She was Studio XX’s Programming Coordinator from September 2015 to September 2017.

Related Activities

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Consulter « Critical Approaches to Virtual Reality: A Conversation about the Present, Past and Future of VR »

24 May 2017


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Presenters: Tina Sauerländer, Paloma Dawkins, Tali Goldstein + Ruben Farrus (CASA RARA Studio) and Erandy Vergara (Studio XX) Wednesday, May 24th 2017 from 5 PM to 7 PM Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology Milieux Resource Centre, EV-11.705 Concordia University EV Building, 1515 Ste-Catherine Street West,Montreal…

CALL | FEEDBACK, PLEASE! Your Portfolio Review

Consulter « CALL | FEEDBACK, PLEASE! Your Portfolio Review »

23 May 2017


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Tuesday May 23th, 2017, from 6 PM to 8.30 PM @ Studio XX Guest curators: Tina Sauerländer (peer to space, Berlin) and Cheryl Sim (DHC Art, Montréal) Studio XX representative: Erandy Vergara (programming coordinator, Montréal) Studio XX kicks off its spring programming with Feedback, please!…

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Consulter « What drives us? Festival Sustainability »

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Consulter « The HTMlles at Cynetart Festival »

12 November 2015


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Wired Women S@lon 105 : CONTINGENT: Only if participation occurs

Consulter « Wired Women S@lon 105 : CONTINGENT: Only if participation occurs »

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Fake It!

Consulter « Fake It! »

2 December 2010


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Opening: Thursday, December 2, 2010, 6:30 PM 4001 Berri (corner Duluth), Suite 201 Information: 514.845.7934 Free admission for Studio XX members / $5.00 for non-members Hors d’œuvres and refreshments will be served Exhibition: December 2 – 15 / Mon to Fri 10:00 – 5:00 PM Free…