HTMlles 5 – 2002 :: The double, the multiple and contamination in Web Art
Consulter « HTMlles 5 – 2002 :: The double, the multiple and contamination in Web Art »6 February 2002
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Born in Japan, Hideko Kawamoto started piano study at the age of nine. She is an active composer of both acoustic and electroacoustic music. Her works have been awarded from Luigi Russolo International Competition (1st Prize, Italy), Pierre Schaeffer International Computer Music Competition (2nd Prize, Italy), Bourges International Competition of Electroacoustic & Sonic Art (Mention Award, France), Ear 01 International Competition of Electroacoustic Music (Honorable Mention, Hungary) and Sonic Circuits International Festival Electronic Music Art (Composition Award, USA). Her composition works have been receiving international attention: Synthèse Music Festival (France), ICMC (Cuba), XIII CIM (Italy), Aspen Music Festival (USA), Brazilian Symposium for Computer Music (Brazil), Seoul International Computer Music (Korea), CESTA (Czech Republic), SEAMUS (USA), Musica Nova Sofia (Bulgaria), DIEM (Denmark), Euromicro 2000 (Holland), Logos Foundation (Belgium), Australian Computer Music Association Conference “interFACES” (Australia), Zeppelin 2001 (Spain), First Conference on Music Technology in the Third Millenium (Malaysia), Bonk Festival of New Music (USA) among many others.
She has completed D.M.A. in Composition (studied with Phil Winsor) at the University of North Texas where she received M.M. (studied with Joseph Banowetz), and B.M. (studied with Steven Harlos) both in Piano Performance. Currently she serves as Chair of the Department of Music at St. Andrews Presbyterian College in North Carolina, USA.
Miss Kawamoto’s music is published by the Whole>Sum Productions (C. Alan Publications) and can be heard on the Innova (American Composer’s Forum), CDNOW, MP3, Bonk, ICMC 2001 and Acousmatica labels.
6 February 2002