Jeff Kulak and Charlie William

Jeff Kulak is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Montreal. An exploration of drawing is at the base of his practice, which extends into book design, public art, printmaking, sculpture and bookbinding. His work in publishing has been exhibited internationally and recognized with several Alcuin Awards.
Charlie Williams creates experiences that blend the digital with the physical. He cut his teeth working on the Shazam app, writing the “listening” animation and helping bring the Shazam experience to iPad. Post-Shazam, Williams has developed several apps including the vocal game SingSmash and the kinetic hand-percussion app Jingle+. Before working as a developer, he was a classical pianist and film composer, ran an Argentine tango studio, and received a Finnish cultural knighthood.
Cuddlr (2014)
Application mobile – iPhone, iPad
Jeff Kulak and Charlie Williams’ iPhone and iPad App Cuddlr incites physical contact with people nearby who want to cuddle, to hold hands, to touch strangers without the pressure to start a longer term personal and/or intimate relationship.
It’s sort of like some other social-meeting apps, like Tinder or Grindr, but by taking sex and dating out of the equation it lets people connect intimately without the pressure for dating, hooking up or starting an ongoing relationship. Launched in September, it has been downloaded over 225,000 times on the App Store, and is available worldwide. Cuddlr will be coming to Android in early 2015.