Léa Jeanmougin

Léa Jeanmougin was born in Marseille. Established in Montreal for the last 9 years, she holds a BFA in Film Production from Concordia University. First building her practise on sculpture and new medias (Art Souterrain, Galeri Articule, La Elástica), she then fullfills her passions for writing, cultural diversity and urban cutlure by founding a bi-annual print publication, CITTÀ (www.cittamagazine.ca).
Drawn by ideas at the cusp of art, design and publishing, she now works on personal art projects revolving around several questions – feminism being a major or them –, and on group projects, like The Subjective Atlas of Quebec, a collaborative book project developed with Netherland designers Annelys De Vet and Moniek Driesse.