Lorella Abenavoli

Lorella Abenavoli is a sculptor and audio artist. She has been living and working in Montreal for seven years, since she moved from France to do a PhD at the Université du Québec to Montreal. She developped her research toward the sound medium working it into audio installations. In 1996 she started a major sound art project entitled Le Souffle de la terre/the Pulse of the Earth of which idea is to create a sound space bringing to us the deepest recesses of the earth in order to hear them in real time. Since 2004 this sound artwork has been exhibited in Europe, Canada and United States. From 2009 to 2011 she worked as artistic director of Avatar, Quebec City’s artist center devoted to research, creation and dissemination of audio and electronic art. For some years she has written articles about sound in the arts. She is a sessional teacher at UQAM. She is developing her own artistic research practicing sonification working on trees, cosmos, meat.