Marjolaine Samson
Marjolaine’s life is a gentle mix of graphic design, visual arts, programming and a “My Little Pony” obsession. With a bachelor of arts from UQAM, and a passion for the arts, she has been involved in multiple organisations; Dare-Dare, an artist-run center where she co-organised the ‘Camping aux bons plaisirs fugaces’ week-end event in 2008, is but one of many. The idea of public spaces makes up a big part of her artistic statement, more specifically – Who are those who own public spaces, and who are the real occupants. Is the Web still a public space? Despite attempts to try to take control of the Internet (ACTA) hacktivism is growing, and attempting to bring social change through programming. Maybe it’s finally time for Marjolaine to reclaim her fair share of this virtual public space.