Nnedimma Nnebe

She goes by Nnedimma Nnebe AKA The Urban Dweller! Here to guide you on these interstellar voyages! A lover of people, curiosity and never-ending learning, she joined the XX-files team officially in 2014 and life has never been the same! Through the XX Files and the beauty of digital waves, she uses story telling as a medium to discuss science, technology, spirituality, intersectional feminism, art, BEES with our wonderful and engaged listeners. She completed her M.Sc. in Food Processing Engineering at McGill University. Her specific research interests pertain to the role women and especially women of colour play (& want to play in science). She was a panelist on the Afro-Futurist panel at HTMlles-11 Zero Futur(e), Nov 2014.
The XX Files Radio Show