Roger Latour

Roger Latour is an urban naturalist, photographer, writer and blogger studying biological and cultural processes in abandoned lots, remnant forests, and parks. He is an observer but also an actor: he is the founding president of Les Amis du Champ des Possibles. He has published articles in magazines and specialized journals, and is the author of the popular Guide la flore urbaine (2009). Roger is presently working on essays and books to be published in electronic format; the collective project, Biodiversité, catalogue des espèces du Champ des Possibles will be published late November 2014.
Le Possible (2014)
Le Possible Le Possible is a collaborative intervention on a protected urban landscape in Montreal called Le Champ des possibles (the Field of Possibilities) by Cynthia Hammond, Camille Bédard, Shauna Janssen, Roger Latour, and Itai Peleg.