Valérie Lamontagne

Valérie Lamontagne is a media artist-designer, theorist, curator, and PhD scholar researching “Performative Wearables: Bodies, Fashion and Technology” at Concordia University where she also teaches in the Department of Design & Computation Arts. She is the owner & designer at 3lectromode, and founder-director of Agence Simultanée, a post-digital design lab, as well as sitting on the editorial board of the media arts magazine Etc. Média. She also holds the position of Creative Lead at Cirque du Soleil’s C:Lab since 2015. Valérie’s work focuses on frameworks combining human and non-human agencies that when combined with unorthodox material and aesthetic innovations produce rich experiences. Her T-shirt slogan would say: “I believe in the Humans,” even on a bad day.